Monday, February 18, 2013


This is an open letter from:
Nancy Eisenhart, Southern Division President      
California Federation of Republican Woman  (Woodland Hills RWF member)
The word is out that on Tuesday (February 12, 2013) President Obama will urge Congress to make voter registration and ballot-casting easier. You can be sure he will not be promoting Voter I.D. In fact, you can be sure he will use bullying tactics and language to brand those promoting voter identification and anti-fraud measures as, what else, rich racists, homophobes, woman and immigrant haters. He will say voter I.D. requirements are attempts to suppress the voting rights of Poor People, Blacks, Hispanics, Woman and Immigrants (PPBHWI?). He’ll have it backwards, of course, deliberately. And he will no doubt convince the ill-informed that the bad Republicans don’t want them to vote. By implication, the President makes the false case that voting is difficult in America when in fact, there is nothing easier.
This lie about voting being hard fits into his rather obvious strategy to divide the Country while calling for the false standard of unity. Freedom does not mean unity. Only despots want unity of belief, unity of speech, single outcome. Free and open Countries such as America value honest opposition and open discussion. And honest and free elections.
Real voter suppression is the opposite: Suppression is the cancelling of everyone’s vote by fraud, illegal practices, lazy of calculating registrars of voters, biased Secretaries of State, politically motivated counters, and rigged machines, of any combination of the above. Even while admitting their long history of voter fraud, the Democrat Left considers it their right to use any means, ethical or unethical, legal or illegal, to further their agenda, because to them their opposition is automatically wrong. Always. Fraud doesn’t count when committed for the “Greater Good”.  In fact, it is smugly praised and encouraged.
Government, the Suppressor: One real voter suppressor is a government which no longer represents the people and has betrayed their trust, their vote decade after decade, election after election by not standing for principle, and legitimizing vote fraud by not attempting to fight it. Thank Eric Holder and his bludgeon-holding bullies. Why else will so few people exercise their right to vote? Consider this reason: Loss of faith that their vote matters. Many voters have expressed a deep belief that the forces against an honest election are too great for an individual to fight. That is true Suppression.
How your vote is cancelled: Think of a balance scale, the old fashioned image of two pans suspended from a center support, a fulcrum. Think of weighing something such as insignificant as jelly beans, red ones (guess which party) and blue ones. We put in our real (registered) red jellybeans, our competitor puts their real blue jelly beans on the other side. The balance swings one way, then the other. It’s close which pan has the most jelly beans. Then along comes a bad guy who puts in little rocks that look like real jelly beans but which aren’t on one side or the other. No longer is there balance. The winner then becomes whichever pan has the most jelly beans, real and fake: Illegal immigrant jellybeans, college students’ serially jelly beans, and same beans counted twice.
Your vote is cancelled. Mine is too – worthless – we lose! We don’t know why. How did this happen? All that work, and we thought we were close! Why bother next time. Guess what? Your future vote is being SUPPRESSED.
Suppression is different from Intimidation, another bullying power word the left uses against Voter I.D., implying that the mere fact of having to produce a legitimate I.D. will frighten the Poor, Blacks, Hispanics, Woman and Gays from casting a vote. Even though every person in America, including the usual liberal list of victims has to produce a legitimate I.D. to bord an airplane, get an EBT (food stamps) card, go on welfare, buy a car or home, put a kid in school, or in New Jersey, receive a sand bag.
Many things in life are really quite simple. Voter I.D. is simple. We have a suggestion, instead of billions of dollars spent on bullet trains to nowhere, how about the government helping every American to get a legitimate I.D. FREE? Isn’t that the operative word these days? Go for it Mr. Obama. This is one scheme we will support.

Here is a link to my rather goofy view on Voter I.D. Thanks for reading. CrazyJ. 

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