This post was
written by a very long time Friend of mine, Heck, since High School. His name
is Jeff Wiggins and he had a point to make. And I think it is
an extremely good one too. Ya might want to pay attention to what he
says. Unlike the lies from the POTUS this is all TRUTH.
"Obama says that we have Afghanistan under
control and we can leave early"
..Not the first "LIE" he's told...and it certainly won't be the LAST...
Right now throughout America I'm noticing States are going about repeals and...beefing up Anti-Gun laws...simultaneously...
Here in Florida they are pushing to repeal the "Stand your ground" law...
New York just passed a required "back ground check" to buy 'BULLETS"...? Really?...bullets...
California is about out of ammunition for sale from what I've heard...
Check with family out there and, tell me if I'm mistaken...
Texas is threatening impeachment proceedings if he uses Executive Order to pass Legislation to reduce clip capacities...
The media is whipping just about everyone who still cares into a frenzy..
My point is...all these distractions are doing a couple of things quite successfully...and it's a pattern that's been taking place since he took Office... has everyone in constant turmoil running from one calamity to the next atrocity instead of keeping their "eye on the ball"... one is even talking about the Benghazi Hearings or the Fast & F crime anymore...
HELLO...we had a full blown premeditated terrorist attack against our Country with nothing but a "lie" offered as an explanation by the prez...
HELLO...Guns were sold to foreign criminals that were/still are turned and, used against us by this administration...with nothing but a "lie" offered as an explanation...
Sounds like cut and dried treason to me...
When obummer is silent which he has noticeably been can bet he's up to no good hammering out details on the next "surprise"...
Don't be "surprised" to hear an announcement about illegal reform
instead of a response to the ferocious gun battle everyone is predicting/speculating is coming...those laws are getting passed while we're waiting on the big uproar...
As in the form of a blanket amnesty program for illegals to become Citizens...criminals or not...
After all we do have to thank somebody for voting on him...
Think I'm kidding...? Watch...
Until folks figure out how to get one step ahead...instead of one behind...better get used to not being able to keep up with all the dismantling of our Nation relentlessly taking place at warp speed...
...I've got to disagree with the notion..."What we need right now more than anything else is a leader"...
IMHO...We need a trial for treason with a swift severe sentence carried out "more than anything else"...and a stern warning to all that remain...We're "fed" up with all the corruption...and demand this Nation be put back on the path she was founded on with extreme prejudice if necessary on the global level...and a timely manner on the National...
Until then we'll continue to grumble about what just happened, instead of preventing whats going to happen...with the next "lie"...
..Not the first "LIE" he's told...and it certainly won't be the LAST...
Right now throughout America I'm noticing States are going about repeals and...beefing up Anti-Gun laws...simultaneously...
Here in Florida they are pushing to repeal the "Stand your ground" law...
New York just passed a required "back ground check" to buy 'BULLETS"...? Really?...bullets...
California is about out of ammunition for sale from what I've heard...
Check with family out there and, tell me if I'm mistaken...
Texas is threatening impeachment proceedings if he uses Executive Order to pass Legislation to reduce clip capacities...
The media is whipping just about everyone who still cares into a frenzy..
My point is...all these distractions are doing a couple of things quite successfully...and it's a pattern that's been taking place since he took Office... has everyone in constant turmoil running from one calamity to the next atrocity instead of keeping their "eye on the ball"... one is even talking about the Benghazi Hearings or the Fast & F crime anymore...
HELLO...we had a full blown premeditated terrorist attack against our Country with nothing but a "lie" offered as an explanation by the prez...
HELLO...Guns were sold to foreign criminals that were/still are turned and, used against us by this administration...with nothing but a "lie" offered as an explanation...
Sounds like cut and dried treason to me...
When obummer is silent which he has noticeably been can bet he's up to no good hammering out details on the next "surprise"...
Don't be "surprised" to hear an announcement about illegal reform
instead of a response to the ferocious gun battle everyone is predicting/speculating is coming...those laws are getting passed while we're waiting on the big uproar...
As in the form of a blanket amnesty program for illegals to become Citizens...criminals or not...
After all we do have to thank somebody for voting on him...
Think I'm kidding...? Watch...
Until folks figure out how to get one step ahead...instead of one behind...better get used to not being able to keep up with all the dismantling of our Nation relentlessly taking place at warp speed...
...I've got to disagree with the notion..."What we need right now more than anything else is a leader"...
IMHO...We need a trial for treason with a swift severe sentence carried out "more than anything else"...and a stern warning to all that remain...We're "fed" up with all the corruption...and demand this Nation be put back on the path she was founded on with extreme prejudice if necessary on the global level...and a timely manner on the National...
Until then we'll continue to grumble about what just happened, instead of preventing whats going to happen...with the next "lie"...