Saturday, April 20, 2013

America, The Falling Nation

By John G. Schreiber III (Crazy J)

Each day someone tells me I need to start looking at the bright side of things, the good that is here. Well, I have tried too. Really, I have done my best to find the good things left here in America. That list is dwindling fast. While my Elected officials, Left wingers and the such slowly but Progressively rip our Constitution out from under us. I am really having a hard time seeing anything good at all. Oh there are folks doing wonderful things. Helping one another, sunny days and star filled nights. But behind your back this Admin is dismantling our Country on a very specific schedule. One step at a time. And so many young folks and Dems are cheering away and have absolutely no idea of what they are cheering for. None at all. As I was told as a young man. Be careful of what you ask for, you might just get it. And it isn't always what you expected!!!

So, I sit here wondering what is next in the Progressive Playbook??? Let’s see what’s up so far. Each time something happens to get major media attention and YOUR attention, our Admin manages to pass some new regulation or law. Now I lost all respect and trust when Nancy Pelosi stated “We have to pass it to know what is in it”. Yes I am talking about HR 3200, The Affordable Health Care Bill. (Obamacare). I don’t know how you feel about that but I would prefer to have our lawmakers know what they are passing as LAW before they pass it. Or maybe they should just pass blank Bills and fill them in as needed. This my friends is complete Insanity. Now that it is passed we are having to swallow the Koolaid. This is a total train wreck of a bill. Its costing America way more than just money. Oh yea, its original cost Est. have more than doubled just to implement it. So, now the Gov. can force you to buy something you don't want under penalty of LAW. Now this is just the beginning.
Last year Nancy Pelosi sent a Bill through Congress to alter the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. Thank God it went nowhere. But it did something. It showed me how these folks are thinking. I believe it was more of a test then anything. For them to test the”Change the Constitution Waters”. See just how far they can go. Looking for boundaries
Next step is this attempt to take or control our basic right to Bear Arms. The 2nd amendment and most important of all our rights. Without the 2nd Amend. We can't protect any other right or ourselves from a totalitarian Gov. Oh, they say it won't take anyone’s weapons except the ones they don’t want us to have. RE: Semi Auto’s that have a Military appearance. Why? In the realm of things that makes no sense. Way more shooting deaths are from handguns, not Rifles. So why are they after our Rifles? Well, it is for only one reason I can see. They don't want Americans to be capable of a stand against someone that is using a Rifle against us. RE: Gov. They also want a list of gun owners. Why? So they know where to go get them? So they have info on who might fight back. It’s always good to know ahead of time who will stand and who will bow down. Well thank God for the lack of just 1 vote in the Senate for this crap to have to start over. And start over it will.
At this point we have one more Constitutional right that they are crushing. The 4th Amendment was just wiped out from under us while we all watched the Boston Marathon Bomber manhunt. During that time our Congressional Leaders passed CISPA. Oh yes they did. CISPA is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. This Act allows the US Gov to circumvent the 4th Amend by using Private Business to supply the data and your personal information without them having to have a warrant or probable cause. Hmmmm. I really don’t think that is good. Oh just little things like Banking information, personal Email, Business dealings. Oh just about anything they want. Without due cause. Just because they want it. If this Bill passes the Senate we as a Nation will have no privacy left. They may as well erase the 4th Amendment from the Constitution. Big Brother is Watching YOU!!!
So, I don’t know how you feel about this, I myself see the gradual dismantling of our Constitution. Piece by piece. One Amend at a time. How did this happen to our once wonderful Nation? Simple, Americans have gotten Lazy, Uninformed and uncaring. Like lost puppies begging for a handout. A mindset being taught in our Schools that Government is the cure of all your problems. Trust Us, we are the Government, we are here to help. Take your crumbs and don't complain. Trust Us. Believe all you hear from Our Gov. edited Media. Trust Us. We're here to help.
America, wake up! Pay attention. When they are waving their Right hand start looking to what is in their Left hand. Don't fall for their crap. "We The People". May God Bless America one more time. We desperately need it.
John G. Schreiber III, April 20, 2013