Wyatt Goodwin·
Yes, it has been awhile
since I have posted an original article and for some of you, may wish that I
continued my silence.Prior to the last debate I hosted, I asked that everyone keep things civil and some chose to ignore my request and proceeded to get up on their high horse, taking personal swipes at each other.
It wasn't 'til then, I realized how polarized our side had become. Well, it is one thing to be polarized and it is entirely something different to be blinded by hate.
I had indicated my support for Trump, only because Mitt Romney had told me not to back him. That was all I needed. However, at NO TIME did I say I would not vote for whoever the nominee became.
That was not the case with a lot of the people I debated that night. I was told that "They had principles," and would never vote for Trump. Some Trump supporters expressed the same towards Cruz. I guess that meant I have no principles… and thus, I must be chopped liver.
At first, I was just mad and then I got indignant. Don't these people realize what is at stake here? The Trump and Cruz sides had better get over themselves and do it fast! This isn't about them… it is about our Country and turning it over to corrupt "Leftist, Communist/Socialists."
The Republican Party is not without blame in all this. They are so power hungry, they would rather lose to Hillary, than give up control to Trump or Cruz. If they can get us so mad at each other, that one side or the other stays home in the general election, they would be just fine. They may lose to Hillary, but they would maintain control of the party, which is all they care about.
The idiocy on the part of our side, we don't see how the party is playing us for suckers. That goes for both Trump and Cruz supporters. The Party hates BOTH Insurgents equally. Right now they are siding with Cruz because Trump is ahead. They do not want either person making it to the convention with the 1237 required. So those who are helping Cruz sabotage Trump will have a short-lived victory, because Cruz cannot hit 1237, period. Once it gets to a contested convention, neither insurgent will make the grade. If the convention blows up, the Establishment's only expression will be, "PHEW! That was close!"
We the people, will have been played for the fools we became, thinking our candidate was the only one entitled to become the nominee.
There is a much bigger point, lingering beneath the surface. Who is going to stop the progressive movement from changing America forever?
If our side decides to stay home because their man doesn't get the nomination; that guarantees Hillary the election.
Those of you who are so incensed by the thought of the other guy getting the nomination, you would stay home on "Principle," rather than cast a vote for the wrong guy; It is you I direct this diatribe toward. I don't care if you are Trump or Cruz supporter, if you don't vote, you in essence are a democrat and should be ashamed of yourself… which I know you are not. You are too full of yourself and self-righteous indignation, to be ashamed.
What you will have done is let our nation down and all our future generations who will suffer because of your piety.
The "Left," is represented by an avowed Socialist, Bernie Sanders and by a liar named Hillary, who will not admit who she is… although she was a pen-pal with Saul Alinsky who was worse than a socialist.
It is not just their policies which will ruin us, but their Supreme Court appointments which will destroy our way of life, for generations to come.
The thought that your staying home rather than vote for the guy who beat your candidate makes me sick to my stomach.
No matter whom your candidate is at the moment, you must swallow your foolish pride and vote for the nominee, rather than let the democrats win by default.
If you can't see this logic, do yourself a favor and un-friend me. I really don't have anything left to say to you!