Friday, March 23, 2012


By John G. Schreiber III

Ok, here I go again. I am really tired of being called a racist because I think people should be required to have a picture ID to Vote. Now, I am a 57 year old divorced man. I have been medically disabled. I am an Electrician by trade but now I can’t get work at that trade because I have had several neck and back surgeries. I don’t want or get any public assistance. I get by on my own. I still was able to obtain a S.S. card, a State Picture ID and my birth certificate without any problems. (I had these already but had to see how hard it could be) I have checked into what could be so bad or difficult about getting and ID card. I checked around and find that there are at least 7 local programs that will assist anyone to get all the necessary papers and funds to get it done. These groups are nationwide. Takes a good part of a day to do, but it costs nothing and is as easy as can be. I have found that there is no excuse to not have a picture ID. Heck, ya need one to do about anything. Cash a check, buy alcohol, a pack of cigarettes and any and all public assistance programs REQUIRE up to date picture ID. My own Sister who has never had a day of, where is dinner coming from or how do I pay the lights? Well, she calls me every name in the book. Says needing an ID to vote is stopping the poor, elderly, and minorities from their right to vote. I say bull crap. Anyone with the ability to get to a voting booth can get an ID. And if your poor, old, a minority or just stupid, you can get assistance to do so. So, why don’t Liberals want people to prove who they are to vote?  Let’s talk about that.

Reason #1
I know ya’ll remember the old movie “Night of the Living Dead” or one of the many Living Dead Movies. Well, these movies are in a way true. It seems the Living Dead are real and seem to Vote Democrat. What you say? It is true. Even ones that died Republican come back as Democrats. Yes they do!!! It is simply amazing. I think Nancy Pelozi, Barack Obama and Harry Reed have the knowledge of how to reanimate dead folks into living dead voting Democrats. (Something Obama must have learned when living else wares). It might have something to do with that Socialist up bringing of his. Well, this we do know. Ya can’t get dead people to vote if ya have to have a Picture ID. Well, not impossible but more difficult. Oh, it is also easier to prosecute Voter Fraud if ID was used.

Reason #2
Ok, now these people aren’t dead. They are alive but don’t really have a right to vote HERE. Oh I am sure they can vote somewhere but not here. Have ya guessed? Aliens. Yes Aliens. The illegal ones. The ones without ID. The ones with a paper with a name on it that was made on a computer somewhere. Kind of odd how a guy named John Smith can’t speak English but got a voter registration card. Oh wait a min…. Got a registration card but can’t manage a picture ID? Hmm, I am sure I can figure this out. OHHHH, He is LIEING. Nooo. Democrats never lie. They insist they don’t. Well, you get the idea! Don’t you? If ya don’t get it by now then you have been infiltrated by the Lib Bug. No cure. Sorry. So lets get along and try one more reason. OK? OK!
Reason #3
The multi-person person. These are really cool. They get to vote several times. They have those papers made on a computer too. They just use anyone’s names. Yes NAMES. Oh they vote here and there and anywhere too. PICTURE ID slows that process. Oh, sometimes these folks are the Dead People we talked about earlier. Yup, a living dead and a living person in the same body. I know it is confusing. Drives me batty. This is usually assisted by some organization pushing for the PROGRESSIVE (Liberal/Communist). movement. The CPUSA. The Socialist Party USA, Acorn, SEIU Labor Union help all they can. Oh, CPUSA is the Communist Party USA. Can be found in most cities. They are on Facebook and easy to look up. They don’t hide anymore. They are endorsing Obama for reelection. Openly! Yes they are. Just look it up.
Well, I have given you several reasons for the Anti ID Crazies. My friends are poor, elderly and minorities. They get it. Ya know I think the Liberals do too. They just want more votes because they are worried about November 2012.   
Yes I know, he is dead, long dead. But Communism is alive and well and in a neighborhood near you….God Bless America and all Americans… Thank you all, John G. Schreiber III 
"Less government, more responsibility, and -- with God's help -- a better world."
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Just got something interesting to add to this Article:

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