Thursday, April 11, 2013

Whatever happened to the FREE PRESS? While America dies. The Media Praises it’s Killers

By John G. Schreiber III
These are the rantings of a sleep deprived Crazy Man. ME. I'm just a bit ticked off.
Once upon a time I was a young man. I just knew that My Country was invincible. That tyrannical Leaders could never get into office and if they did would be thrown out. The American press was that safety valve that you could never fool or get around. That someone would spill the beans on corruption and tyranny.  I believed that the Free Press would find problems and tell the world what was going on. I truly believed that being American was how everyone wanted to be. We were the leaders of the free world.  That shining light on the hill that all wanted to be part of. That free enterprise surpassed any and all other types of economics. Why wouldn’t everyone want that? I could not imagine anyone wanting a Communist / Socialist type of Government. Heck, People did everything they could to escape that and come here.  My upbringing taught me to respect the Flag and my Country. Believing (Knowing) that there is no other place on Earth I would rather be. How lucky I was to have been born in the Greatest Country ever in Human History. I still believe that.  But America is no longer that place because a Progressive/Liberal mentality slowly but surly dug into our Society. It made Morality out to be a bad thing. It created jealousy in places that there was no reason for jealousy. It twisted and literally changed the History I know so well. It bent all that was good about America and distorted the facts to turn Americans on Americans.  And our Free Press just watched on mindlessly.
My Father told me in the late 60s early 70s that there was a movement in this Country  that was slowly, progressively injecting itself into our society to gradually Socialize this Great Country and put Communism into action. Right here, In America. I just thought he was nuts. We had the Free Press that would tell us if such a thing was happening. Too many would know and someone would tell. So, I just went about my life willy nilly. I lived a very liberal lifestyle. I hadn’t a care in the world. My views toward Government were always Conservative but my way of living was as Liberal as an OWS person. I was spoiled and stupid. But I always knew one important fact. Government wasn’t here to support me, heal me or in any way take care of me. I was on my own.  It took awhile but I learned we have Personal Responsibility. We make our own way. We had and make our own choices. If you made a bad choice you had to take responsibility for it. My life was mine to take care of and no one else’s.  It’s especially not the Governments role. The Governments role was to protect the Nation from enemies either foreign or domestic. To protect ALL my rights as an American Citizen at all cost. And defend our borders from foreign intruders.  And that’s about it.  
I was a fool that was fooled by the Progressive movement and the Liberal Press. The Free Press no longer existed here. It had become an arm of the Liberal, progressive movement. It edited itself to push an agenda and that agenda was a Socialized America. Praying on the uneducated, Poor and Elderly with scare tactics which is all part of the Saul Alinsky method. His writing “Rules for Radicals” is their play book. They will and have lied, twisted facts, edited statements and anything that will scare people to vote for and be behind anything Liberal. Anything!!!! As long as it is backed by the Democrat party, the Press will stand by it, and out and out Lie about it.
I started to realize this when Bill Clinton perjured himself and he was still made out to be a wonderful Guy by the PRESS. Not only should he have been impeached but jailed too. No one should and ever has been able to lie to a Grand Jury and not pay the price. Had you or I done the same thing we would have been locked away immediately.  I never cared if he did those things; I cared he LIED on the stand before the Grand Jury and never paid a price. Thanks Free Press. At that point, I knew. The Press was no longer our safety valve. It was now a working part of the Left wing of our Gov and Country. I also knew at that point that my Dad was right all along and I had been blind and docile.
I quit paying attention to what was happening to our Country until 9/11/2001. Then I was awakened by the fact that our Country was under attack. I haven’t stopped paying attention ever since. I have watched as the Press has distorted and twisted so many things. Turning on anything a Republican or Conservative did or said. Standing by anything the Democrats said. I knew there had to be something wrong. Political Correctness crept into our way of life. When my own Sister called me Racist because I didn’t like Obama, She said it was only because he was black. Well I was completely infuriated. I didn’t like Obama because he hid his past and still does. Most of any records about him are sketchy at best. I looked into his life before the 2008 election and saw his ties to Bill Ayers and Van Jones. Both are Openly Devout Communists. That was my reason, not the color of his skin.  When I see and hear these so called Reporters on TV and in the paper making statements of Racism for a comment, War on Woman and other such BS, I see just how they are playing the game. Scare tactics and division. Now it is a bad thing to have worked hard and made a good living, unless you’re a Hollywood Celebrity or a devout Democrat. Our Government is nothing anymore but Celebrities, of the Hollywood type. And the Press still praises these ignorant folks as being so smart. As we all know the Celebrity mindset is just bunk. The Press puts them on pedestals and their words are Gospel.
When Mr. Obama took office he hired on as His White house Environmental Advisor a convicted Felon, Devout Communist, Extremist, Van Jones. Not a peep from the Main Street Media. Oh they praised him for his duty toward Obama. But no one but a few Republicans and Conservatives ever said a word. Then the word got out and Mr. Jones resigned. Well we know how he resigned. He was told to amid controversy over past Activism. HELLO MEDIA. He is a Communist and admits so. Why didn’t y’all tell the American People?  Oh yea, that would be Racist. ????? No. He is a Communist no matter what color his skin is. That makes him an enemy of our Country. Simple. 
Now let me mention the foreign media.  The Canadian Free Press and the Russian publication Pravda. I get more information from these publications then I can get here from our own Media. Oh Snooky and Kim Kardashian are much more important to talk about, Right? Let me see, I actually heard that Tom Cruise was a “True American Hero”.  Are you kidding? He is nothing of a hero. He makes movies; he didn’t actually shoot down enemy planes or beat some bad guys and save the world. NOPE, sorry to poop on your plate folks. That kind of statement is just completely ignorant. Now let me get back to some media sources that make the American Media look like a bunch of star crazed teens. Pravda, the prime Russian news and information center for Who???? Well just lil ol’ Russia. They wrote a rather unique article about us Americans, about our Government. No other media would recognize this better.  They know because they have been there. Here is what Russia says about us. ‘Russia’s de facto government press arm declared that the era of “Miss American Pie” was over in the U.S. Citing Obama’s reelection, Pravda stated that the “Communists have won in America…”
Why? Because the US is “an illiterate society” that continues to buy off on Obama’s “lies of less taxes while he raises them.” The US educational system is also held responsible, with Pravda stating that it was “conquered by the Communists long ago and history was revised thus paving the way for their Communist presidents.” They continue to state: “He is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America. His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Obama’s fools and Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion. They conclude the article with: “Russia lost its’ civil war with the Reds and millions suffered torture and death for almost 75 years under the tyranny of the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Russians survived with a new and stronger faith in God and ever growing Christian Church. The question is how long will the once “Land of the Free” remain the United Socialist States of America? Their suffering has only begun.”
Read more:

As for the Canadian Free Press. They speak daily about the collapse of America. How America is quickly heading in the way of the USSR. Why are other countries seeing America heading that way? Comparing us to the Former Soviet Union? Simple. That is where we are going. It’s as plan as the nose on your face. Why doesn’t anyone here see this happening? Simple, The PRESS. They are either blind, stupid, controlled or they themselves believe in and want Communism in America. There is no other explanation or excuse for the inept work our Free Press does today. None.
It thoroughly amazes me how the most accurate and non bias information we can get comes from other Countries. That is because they aren’t wearing blinders. They still have leaders that are leaders not Celebrities. They laugh about us every day. I have seen statements from European media calling Obama “Hollywood Barry” an actor of poor ability. Well, I think he must have some ability; he sure has our media and the Celebrity crowd swooning over his every word. Heck, his entire electorate is either on Gov. Payroll, Gov. Assistance, or has an agenda such as Animal activists and Green nuts.
Here is good for instance. Recently Columbia University hired Kathy Boudin. Does anyone know that name? Now this woman is going to teach your kids at Columbia and at NY Law College. Has the Main Street Media mentioned that she just did 22 years in prison for armored car Robbery where 2 guards were killed? That she was a devout member with Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground? That they set many bombs in buildings and finally blew several of their members up from one of their bombs going off prematurely? Well, Columbia University and the Media are treating her like a Queen. They are praising her bravery back in the day. She’s a convicted Murderer and the Media has her on a pedestal. Are you people NUTS. What are you thinking? Where is your pride of being born in the Greatest Nation in Human History? Oh yea, I forgot. You don’t know our unedited history. You Journalists are just ignorant college grads. Instead of watching over our Government like you’re supposed to do, you’re following them with your blinders on and your noses up their rears.  Y’all aren’t Journalists anymore. You just write or tell what you’re told like good lil soldiers. Sieg heil.